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Getting started

With Product Feeds, you can create fully customizable CSV, TXT, JSON and XML data feeds of your products catalog using one of the 80 premade templates or starting with a new one from scratch.

Installing the app

  1. Go to the Shopify App Store

  2. Install the app

  3. Access it through the Apps section of your Shopify Store

Subscription plans




  • Standard support
  • 1 data feed
  • 1 000 products
  • New on-demand template (fee-based service)
  • 1 schedule / feed / 24h




  • Standard support
  • 3 data feed
  • 10 000 products
  • New on-demand template (fee-based service)
  • 3 schedules / feed / 24h




  • Express support
  • 10 data feeds
  • 100 000 products
  • New on-demand template (free service)
  • 6 schedules / feed / 24h
  • Live chat support




  • Express support
  • 30 data feeds
  • 1 000 000 products
  • New on-demand template (free service)
  • 12 schedules / feed / 24h
  • Live chat support
  • Basic



    • Standard support
    • 1 data feed
    • 1 000 products
    • New on-demand template (fee-based service)
    • 1 schedule / feed / 24h
  • Starter



    • Standard support
    • 3 data feed
    • 10 000 products
    • New on-demand template (fee-based service)
    • 3 schedules / feed / 24h
  • Advanced



    • Express support
    • 10 data feeds
    • 100 000 products
    • New on-demand template (free service)
    • 6 schedules / feed / 24h
    • Live chat support
  • Premium



    • Express support
    • 30 data feeds
    • 1 000 000 products
    • New on-demand template (free service)
    • 12 schedules / feed / 24h
    • Live chat support

Understanding Product Feeds

What is a product data feed?

A product data feed is a file containing product information such as titles, descriptions, prices, and images URLs. It helps e-commerce businesses manage and update their product catalog across multiple online platforms, improving visibility and driving sales.

How to create a product data feed?

Here are the steps to create a data feed:

  1. Choose to create your data feed from scratch or an existing template

  2. Choose the format (CSV/TXT/XML) (when creating a data feed from scratch)

  3. Complete the basic settings

  4. Adjust your template

  5. Apply the collection Selection and Mapping

  6. Filter products

  7. Generate the data feed

    • download the hosted file

    • get the data feed URL

    • export the data feed

Configuring a data feed profile

In order to list your products on marketplaces, you must create and submit a product data feed. A data feed is a file in TXT, CSV or XML format that contains detailed information about your products.

Basic settings


When the data feed has a disabled status, it won't generate.


The name of the data feed profile corresponds to its unique name for internal use only.

File name

The file name corresponds to the name of the data feed file visible in the URL.


The language you choose will be the one used for product attributes.

From a ready-to-use template

Existing templates are pre-configured formats that simplify creating and exporting product data feeds for various shopping platforms, marketplaces, and comparison sites.

These templates are designed to meet the specific requirements and data structures of each platform, ensuring that your product information is accurately and consistently presented.

To create feed from an existing template:

  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. Click on Create a new data feed

  3. Choose a template in the different section (except from New template from scratch)

You can also store a data feed template you've created in the feeds library, allowing you to reuse it without having to recreate it from scratch.

From scratch

There are three different options: CSV, TXT, and XML files, each serving as formats for structuring and storing data, facilitating seamless integration and manipulation within various systems and platforms. Creating a new template from scratch allows you to build your own entirely customized feed.

When creating a data feed, you need to think about using this data feed to choose your file type or your pre-configured template.


An XML file is a markup language used to structure and store data in a hierarchical format, unlike CSV and TXT files which store data in plain text with delimited values.

To create an XML data feed from scratch

  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. Click Create a new data feed

  3. In the drop-down list, select XML template (xml) in the New template from scratch section

  4. Click Ok to confirm your choice

  5. Fill in the settings fields (for more information go to Basic settings)

  6. In Template & Preview fill the fields header pattern, product pattern (with the help of the Placeholders Library), and footer pattern

    To learn the basics of structuring an XML data feed go read our Beginner's Guide for XML


CSV and TXT files are plain text formats used to store data with delimited values, unlike XML files which structure data hierarchically using markup language.

To create an XML data feed from scratch:

  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. Click Create a new data feed

  3. Select in the drop-down list CSV template (CSV) or TXT template (txt) in the New template from scratch section

  4. Click Ok to confirm your choice

  5. Fill in the settings fields (for more information go to Basic settings)

  6. In Template & Preview fill the fields extra header pattern, Column Mapping (with the help of the Placeholders Library), and footer pattern

    To learn the basics of structuring a CSV/TXT data feed go read our Beginner's Guide for XML

Manage product feeds templates

Depending on the targeted Shopping engine or marketplace, the data feed template may vary.

The template describes how the data feed is structured and how the data are organized in the final data feed file.

  • XML data feeds are based on an XML structure with nodes and sub-nodes, such as

     <title>My product 1</title>
     <title>My product 2</title>
  • CSV/TXT data feeds are files where one line corresponds to one item, and each columns are separated by a special characters such as semi-colon, tabulation

PlaintextTitle; Price
My product 1;99.99$
My product 2;49.99$

When building the template all product values are replaced by dynamic placeholders such as: {{title}} or {{price}}

The template for the above examples with their dynamic placeholder would look like this:

  • XML

     <title>{{title}} </title>
     <price>{{price suffix="$"}}</price>

PlaintextTitle; Price
{{title}} {{price suffix="$"}}

Product Feeds includes an internal library with all possible placeholders available and many examples.

Go to Product FeedsEdit Data FeedTemplate & Previewthen click on Placeholders library

Filtering products

Filters are simple criteria or conditions that help you select specific products to include or exclude from your data feed.

This filter allows you to specify whether the rule should be applied if any or all of the specified conditions evaluate to true or false.

By collection

To select the type of collection filter:

Go toCollections > collection filter typeselect exclude selected collections or include selected collections


Include selected collections will include all of the products of the selected collection  in the data feed.


Exclude selected collections will exclude all of the products of the selected collection  of the data feed.

By product values

  • Status

  • Title

  • Description

  • Sales channel

Product variants
  • Has variants
    Refers to a product that has multiple versions or variations with different attributes (size, color…).
    With this filter, you have to choose between:

  • Is a variant

    Refers to a version of a main product with unique features that differentiate it from others variants.

  • Is the first variant
    Refers to a specific product variant that serves as the primary or default representation of a product with multiple variants.

  • Number of variants
    Refers to the total count of unique product versions or variants that exist for a specific product. Each variant represents a distinct combination of attributes (size, color…).

  • ID
    Refers to a unique value or code assigned to each product in a data feed to distinguish it from others.

  • SKU
    Stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to each distinct product or product variant in an inventory management system.

  • Barcode
    is a unique identifier assigned to a product that can be scanned using a barcode scanner or a mobile device with a barcode-reading app. 

  • Hs code
    Stands for Harmonized System Code, it facilitates the uniform classification of goods for customs, trade, and statistical purposes.

  • Uri
    Stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. It is a string of characters that uniquely identifies a resource. 

  • Url
    Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. 

Images and media
  • Image URL

  • Image alternative text

  • Image name

Prices and promotions
  • Sale price

    Sale price refers to a temporary or promotional discounted price of a product, which is lower than its normal or regular price during a sale event, such as seasonal sales, promotional campaigns...

  • Normal price

    Normal price refers to the regular or standard selling price of a product, without any discount, promotions, or markdowns applied.

  • Special price

    Special price refers to a temporary discount for a specific or small selection of products.

  • Min price

    Min price refers to the lowest price available for a product or a group of products. 

  • Max price

    Max price refers to the highest price available for a product or a group of products. 

  • Cost

  • Has special price

    Has special price indicates that a product has a discount price applied to it, which is lower than its normal or regular price.

  • Has promotion price

    Has promotion price indicates that a product has a promotional price applied to it, which is lower than its normal or regular price.

  • Promotion name

  • Promotion code

  • Tracks inventory

  • Backorders allowed

    Backorders allowed means retailers accept orders for a product even when it is currently out of stock. When backorders are allowed, customers can still place orders for the out-of-stock item, and the retailer will ship the product once it becomes available again.

  • Quantity

  • Availability

Variants and options
  • Option names

  • All possible options as configured in your store
    Such as Color, Size, ...

  • All possible metafields as configured in your store

Product organization
  • Product Type

  • Vendor

  • Tags

Shipping information
  • Weight

  • Weight unit

Preview the data feed

The Preview function allows you to build your data feeds easily by checking the result preview.


When creating a CSV or TXT data feed, you will see two options offered to you in the Template & Preview section:

  • Data-Sheet Preview

  • Text Preview

Refresh Preview

In the Data Feed Preview, there is a button to refresh the preview to have the latest changes of template displayed.
You will also find the date of the last data fetching.

Text Preview

The Text Preview feature provides you with a direct look at your data in its unprocessed state, allowing you to see exactly how the information you've entered will be displayed. By previewing the raw data, you can verify that your data feed is structured and formatted as you expect. This preview enables you to identify any discrepancies or anomalies in the data, ensuring its accuracy before proceeding further.

You have the option to include or not the header.


When creating an XML data feed, you will have the option to get a preview of your final feed.

Refresh preview

In the Data Feed Preview, there is a button to refresh the preview to have the latest changes of template displayed.
You will also find the date of the last data fetching.

  1. Create a data feed or access your existing data feed Data Feed ProfilesEdit

  2. Go to Template & Preview

  3. In the right window click on Data Feed Preview

  4. Click on Refresh

Generate data feeds

You can generate your data feeds in two ways:

  • manually

  • automatically

Generate the data feeds manually

Option 1
  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. In the Data Feed Profiles section, select the feed you want to generate by clicking on the arrow at the end of the row

  3. In the drop-down list, select Generate

  4. In the new window, click

  5. OK

The status of the feed will change for In progress. Wait some minutes until the status displayed is Success. This means your feed has been successfully generated.

Option 2
  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. In the Data Feed Profiles section, select the feed you want to generate by clicking on the arrow at the end of the row

  3. In the drop-down list, select Edit

  4. Click Generate at the top left of the page

  5. In the new window, click OK

A new blue text is displayed informing you that the data feed generation will start shortly. Once done, the message turns green and displays the date of the last update. This means your feed has been generated successfully.

Generate the data feeds automatically

To automatically generate a data feed, you must first create a data feed.

Once your feed is built and saved:

  1. Go to Product FeedsProduct Feeds Schedule

  2. In the drop-down list of the Data Feeds Generation Schedules tick one or multiple schedule times

  3. In Product Feeds Configuration, you can check the data feed status and the Last and Next Update Scheduled

The Scheduled times selected apply to all data feeds created before and after scheduling

Add a data feed template to the library

Adding a data feed template to the library significantly enhances productivity by eliminating the need to recreate the template from scratch when you need to create similar feeds. To do so:

  1. In the Product Feeds section, select the data feeds you want to add to the library and click on Copy to library

  2. Now, by clicking on Create a new data feedyou can select your data feed template in the My templates section

Get the data feed files

Once the data feed is generated, you can use it in different ways:


To download the data feed, you must first have created and generated it.

Once done, to download a data feed:

  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. In the Data Feed Profiles section, click on the Url in the Url column of the feed you want to download

Your data feed is now downloaded


To export your data feed using FTP:

  1. Got to Product Feeds

  2. Create or Edit a Data Feed Profile

  3. Go to the Export section

  4. Enable FTP Upload toggle switch

  5. Choose to enable or not FTPS (voir pour mettre un lien pour des explicaitons)

    If you did not choose to enable FTPS:

    Choose to enable or not Passive Mode (voir pour mettre un lien pour des explications)

    Choose to enable or not SSL (voir pour mettre un lien pour des explicaitons)

  6. Enter the Host Name: Provide the hostname or IP address of the FTP server where you want to upload the data feed

  7. Enter the FTP port: Specify the port number for the FTP connection. The default FTP port is 21, but it may be different depending on your server configuration

  8. Enter Username: Enter the username required to access the FTP server

  9. Enter password: Provide the password associated with the username for the FTP server

  10. Enter path to directory: Specify the directory path on the FTP server where you want to upload the data feed files

Hosted file

To copy the url of a feed, this feed must be created.

  1. Go to Product Feeds

  2. In the Data Feed Profiles, click on the clipboard icon in the url column of the feed you want to copy the url

    The url is now copied in your clipboard

Update data fetching

The data fetch update is an automated process that periodically retrieves updated product information from your Shopify store and syncs it with the app.

This ensures that your product listings on these platforms are accurate, up-to-date, and consistent with the data in your Shopify store.

Bulk requests allow you to retrieve multiple records in a single API request. This reduces the number of API calls required to retrieve all the desired data. The API will process the requests in parallel and return the results in a single response.

Webhooks allow you to receive real-time updates when data changes on the server. When data changes, the API will send an HTTP POST request to your callback URL with the updated data. You can then process the data and update your application accordingly.

To update a data fetch:

  1. Go to Product FeedsProduct Feeds Schedule

  2. Next to Schedule times, click the box and select an hour in the drop-down list. This hour will be when your data fetch will be updated

  3. Click Save

In the Data fetching section, you can visualize when the last update was and when the next one will occur

You can also decide to fetch at any time by clicking on the green button Fetch now

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They are happy with us

  • Great

    Easy and painless feed creation, excellent support that quickly helped us create multiple feed templates. Would recommend to anyone needing to create multiple data feeds.

    Super Scientific Direct


  • Thanks

    Great and swift support, best and most useful app for creating live feeds of all your Shopify data. Thanks!

    Mikono - Jacken aus Kenia


  • Perfect

    We use this app in almost every of our projects, it works perfectly for any custom feed you need.



  • Adaptative

    This is the most flexible tool to create all kinds of feeds. All business customers require different layouts and fields, and we managed to create all of them.

    Bart - Ferm


  • Great

    Is a great app and save me many many hours.

    Rui Guedes - Developer
